The user is attempting to create a Flyte workflow that includes running a task, launching dynamic workflows with for loops, and calling additional tasks within those workflows. They have encountered issues with the UI not displaying parallelism after the second dynamic task and not breaking down specific tasks into sub-tasks, which complicates understanding the workflow's structure. The user is looking for insights on these problems and has been advised to check out @eager
workflows, which are experimental but will soon be productionized. They note that a task cannot invoke another task unless it is dynamic and suggest that the user should utilize eager workflows for now.
so what you really want is eager, for now you will have to make do
> • This task has several additional tasks called from within it A task cannot invoke a task unless its dynamic
these are experimental, but getting productionized soon
check out @eager
:wave: I am trying to make a Flyte workflow that does the following: • Runs a task • Launches a dynamic workflow via a for loop • This calls another dynamic workflow, also with a for loop • (*) For each of these calls, call a task • This task has several additional tasks called from within it • One of these tasks, midway through, is another dynamic task I noticed a few things and had some questions: