The user is experiencing a "TooLarge" error when triggering approximately 8000 map tasks, each with 4 S3 URLs. They have tried serializing data classes into a single file without success and are questioning if the propeller can handle 5000 inputs simultaneously. The user is considering reducing chunk sizes and suggests temporarily increasing the limit or further splitting the map tasks, while mentioning that offloading could be a long-term solution. They reference a feature in Union that helps with offloading to mitigate this issue and inquire about increasing the gRPC message size limit. Additionally, they note that long lists of paths in dynamic workflows are common and propose raising the limit to a higher safe value.
this is going to change -for the better- in flytekit 1.14. Coming up next week...
ah, that's not a bad solution either, thanks!
I didn't bump the limit up.. just got around the problem by serializing and writing the data classes into a file and giving the map task a partition number to read.
Also <@U03HQE6THNV> did this work for you?
Running into the same issue, thanks for the solution. I think it's quite common to have long list of paths in the dynamic workflows, would it make sense to bump the limit to a higher safe value? :slightly_smiling_face:
I think it is
maxMessageSizeBytes: <limit-in-bytes>```
<@UNR3C6Y4T> where do you propose bumping this limit up?
<@U03HQE6THNV> in Union we have automatic offloading - so that this problem will never happen
cc <@U0265RTUJ5B>
longer term, offloading should help
or split up the map task more as you say.
the short-term fix is to bump the limit, it’s not that much over the limit.
Guessing it’s at the point of triggering the map tasks in which case the workaround is useless
I currently trigger the map tasks in 2 chunks.. 5k and 3k.. should I make smaller chunks?
Hi team.. I’m running into the same issue as what’s discussed|here. It’s a dynamic task that is used to chunk up and trigger around 8000 map tasks… the input to the dynamic task is a list of inputs (dataclasses) for these map tasks… and each one is just 4 s3 urls..
To get around this I serialized the data classes into a single file and read that in the dynamic task to recreate the inputs to the map tasks.. but still running into this error
TooLarge: Event message exceeds maximum gRPC size limit, caused by [rpc error: code = ResourceExhausted desc = grpc: received message larger than max (6192640 vs. 4194304)]