The user is trying to retrieve a list of executions using the recent_executions
method from the Flyte API, specifically filtering for the project "flytesnacks." However, they encountered an error regarding the invalid filter for 'e.project' and are looking for clarification on the valid filter values. They noted that the common.proto
file mentions filters but lacks guidance on how to construct them.
Thank you so much :raised_hands:
In the common.proto
file I see this
// More info on constructing filters : <Link>
// +optional
string filters = 4;```
It seems there is no place to understand how to construct those filters
Hi, I’d need to fetch the list of executions based on tags or labels and I was trying to see what filter values can be applied to the filters argument in the recent_executions method (, I took a look at the source code ( and from what I got I should be able to do something like
remote.recent_executions(filters=[Filter(key="project", value="flytesnacks")])
but this raises the error
status = StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
details = "'e.project' is invalid filter"
debug_error_string = "UNKNOWN:Error received from peer {created_time:"2024-10-14T13:07:40.919415+02:00", grpc_status:3, grpc_message:"\'e.project\' is invalid
Could please someone explain me what are the possible values to be se in the filter?