The user is looking for guidance on executing multiple tasks within a single pod in Flyte and is confused about pod templates in pod management. They are also asking whom to contact for their specific use case and have questions about deploying union before transitioning. The user expresses appreciation for Flyte.
<@U07655DJTDM> very kind, thank you for being a community member
<@U07655DJTDM> I'll shoot you a DM
ah good to know, who can I talk to about our use case? i think we have some questions wrt deployment of union before we make the switch (we love flyte)
hm I think we may be talking past each other, I mean I want tasks 1-3 of a workflow to all execute without spinning more than 1 pod up. I can see how pod templates would allow me to make sure those tasks all have identical pods, but I don't see how they would help me control when flyte creates pods
Yes use pod templates
is there a way to make a group of tasks all execute in the same pod?